Monday, November 3, 2008

New Mercies Every Day

I'm enjoying a wonderful cup of hot coffee on this beautiful Monday morning. There's nothing quite like a fresh cup of coffee on a cool fall day.

Gods word tells us the the Lords mercies are new, fresh with every morning. Praise God. Jeremiah said in Lamentations 3 - that even after all he had been through, and he had been through a lot, he could still dare to hope! What powerful words... still dare to HOPE! He had watched the city that he loved be completely destroyed, watched as people were slaughtered ruthlessly, had watched such starvation that mothers were eating their own babies just to survive. Ug! Yet he could still dare to hold onto hope. How?

He would think about the Lords fresh new mercy that comes with every new day! Have you ever walked past a coffee pot at work that has been on all day long and has that horrible smell of burnt coffee? Yuk. It's not fresh and smells horrible. What started out with such great smell and flavor over time gets old, it stinks, and tastes awful.

As I drink a fresh cup of coffee this morning, I'm reminded that the mercy of the Lord is fresh and new with every day. It doesn't get old, and no longer any good to me... no just the opposite - the mercy of the Lord is fresh and it's aroma fills my life with hope as I enter yet another wonderful day that the Lord has made.

Let me encourage you today... yesterday is gone, whatever took place is what it is... but it is in the past. Your life does not need to be ruled by your past, because there is fresh mercy for you today. May you be filled with hope today as you realize that:

1. Your biggest and brightest days are your days yet to come!
2. Life is best lived out of your imagination not your memory!
3. The Lord is crazy in love with you!
4. Before the foundation of the world the Lord chose you as the focus of his love!
5. With every day come new and bigger opportunities!
6. You are a masterpiece in the making!
7. The Lord has something significant for you to do... plans and destiny for your life.

Lord, I thank you this morning for your rich, fresh mercy. This cup of coffee sitting next to me that I've been sipping as I write down some thoughts this morning remind me of your fresh rich mercy that is brand new for me today. I love you and thank you today. May my life put a smile on your face today as the thought of your fresh mercy puts a smile on my face.

I'm going for another fresh cup of coffee.... have a great day!