Saturday, January 24, 2009

What do you want from the Lord?

Wow.. it's been a while since I've written a blog, it's amazing how time gets away from you.

We'll my dog has been kind of sick. A few days ago, he would not move - not even to eat. I tried putting the food 2 feet away from him... and he just wouldn't budge. And this is just not like him he normally goes down 3 set of stairs to eat and acts like he's been starving - he loves to eat. He was breathing heavy and just not being himself. I picked him up (not an easy thing to do... he's a pretty big dog) carried him to the vet only to find out that he has some pretty bad back pain and is simply getting old. The gave him a shot for the pain and some pain meds and we went back home.

The next day he would eat, but only if it was out of my hands and he didn't have to move.
I laid down next to him early in the morning for about an hour. Oh, how I wish he could talk and let me know what I could do to help him!

Think about this for a minute... I'm longing to hear what my dog wants, I'm longing to do whatever he desires, just to make him feel better. If I long to meet the hearts desire of my dog - how much more does the Lord desire to hear from you? After all you are more than a pet to the Lord, you are His very own child! How much more does he desire to give you your hearts desire?

I read this morning in Ps.20:4-5b

May He grant your hearts desires and make all your plans succeed... May the Lord answer all your prayers.

Praise God! What a precious prayer from Gods Word straight to your heart today. Would you like to receive your hearts desires in 2009? Take 3 simple steps:

1. Know what you desire and hope for in 2009!
Pr.10:24 says the HOPES of the godly WILL COME TO PASS. Take time to right down the things you hope for in your relationship with the Lord, in your family, in your work, in your finances, in your ministry and in your church. And why not grab some pictures to help you create faith movies about the very things you desire from the Lord. I keep a power point complete with pictures on my phone so it's with me at all times. I call the file: My life at a glance!

2. Make some plans.
Did you notice the prayer was, May the Lord make your plans succeed. It didn't say may the Lord make your desires succeed... but your plans. Take time to make some plans to see your dreams become reality. And ask the Lord to bless those plans and make them succeed. Bottom line is we have to practically plan and then go to work and take action on the plans the Lord drops in our hearts.

3. Pray.
May the Lord answer all your prayers. In Matt.15:28 MSG - we see a woman who had a desire that her daughter would be healed, she made some plans to talk to Jesus and took actions. And she asked (prayed) in such a way that she just wouldn't take no for an answer. And her persistent petition paid off! Jesus looked at her and said, WHAT YOU WANT IS WHAT YOU GET! Right then her daughter became well.

I pray for you today my friend, May the Lord grant you the desires of your heart, give you strategic plans from heaven and make them successful, and may he hear your prayers and say to you: WHAT YOU WANT IS WHAT YOU GET!

May 2009 be one of the greatest years of your life!
