Saturday, March 7, 2009

I need to hear the Lords "Marching Orders."

Numbers 9:20 Tells us that:
"... the moment God issued orders they marched."
What a great picture of what I need to do! Have you ever noticed that there are so many good people, great books, and pod casts all telling us what we need to do. Then of course there are the commercials that tell us that we MUST ACT NOW... and if we do there will be a bonus of some kind. Not just one set of knives, but 2! They all have "marching orders" for our lives
At times I get overwhelmed by all that I should be doing, all that I need to still do, all the things that people think I need to be doing. Reality is I NEED TO DO WHAT THE LORD TELLS ME TO DO! I need to follow his marching orders for my life... not everyone else's marching orders.

God has some marching orders for your life today!

Will you take time to listen to them?

The children of Israel had a cool thing going on when it comes to being directed by the Lord. Do you remember the story. A cloud would settle over the tabernacle all day long at night it would be a flame so that it could be seen day or night. When the cloud lifted, they knew it was time to pack camp and move on. So they would follow the cloud. At times the cloud would be for a couple days, sometimes months... either way when it moved they moved! When the cloud lifted, it was the Lords marching orders for His children to get a move on.
What a cool deal... there was no second guessing, wondering if the cloud had lifted or not. There was no "I wonder what the Lord wants me to do?" "Should I stay here or move on?" All you had to do was open your eyes and check out where the cloud was.
This was all under the old covenant and today we have a better covenant. We have the Holy Spirit living inside of believers in Jesus Christ. Thanks to the blood of Jesus we can come boldly before the throne of our Father, we can hear his still small voice directing us... helping us make decisions. We can personally hear his marching orders for our lives. For the guys back in the day... all they had to do was to open their eyes... all we have to do is open our ears and hear his voice!
Oh how I long to hear the Lord marching orders for my life today and to follow them the moment God issues them! Earlier today I was talking to the Lord about my need for his marching orders and he reminded me that he has given me some that I have yet to follow. Ug! I teach leaders that they should never have to be asked something twice... it's a key to greatness. And how humbling it was this morning that the Lord has had to ask me more than once to do the same thing.

Part of being able to hear the marching orders of the Lord has everything to do with our obedience in following the previous orders he has given us.

May you hear the Lord more clearly this year than you ever have before. May you have ears to hear and a heart to obey - the moment the Lord speaks to you.

