Friday, July 31, 2009

What's eating your flowers?

I planted some new flowers at the house the other day... what I didn't realize is that I was planting rabbit food. Yeah... apparently the rabbits just love to eat the very kind of flowers I planted. The result? The flowers that were once full, beautiful, and standing tall. Quickly became nothing but a green nub sticking out of the ground.

How could something that looked so cute and innocent cause so much damage? I see the rabbits on a regular basis running from one tree to the next... looking so shy, unobtrusive and innocent. Yet apparently when I'm not looking this little "innocent" looking animal is jacking up my flowers. I sense have learned that there are certain sprays I can put on the flowers that will keep the hungry little rabbits away.

I felt like the Lord was teaching me something through this. Allow me, with no fluff, to just lay it out here.

Reality is, there are little things in all of our lives that on the outside don't look that dangerous in fact they look innocent. Yet it is often those little things that can cause so much damage to our lives. It's the little things that have the power to keep us from reaching our destiny and living in the realm of excellence instead of average.

Little things like:
  1. Excessive busyness... in place of taking time to rest mentally as well as physically.
  2. Not taking time with family/spouse. Trust me taking 30 minutes a day to talk with your spouse pays off huge.
  3. Stressing out over things, instead of waiting and trusting in the Lord. Can we just call stress out for what it is? Lack of faith.
  4. Unhealthy alliances... remember all relationships are like elevators - they either take you up or down. I have to ask myself, where are the people I'm around taking me? And do I really want to go there?
  5. Lack of focus... What's the one thing that can divert a person from their dream? Another dream. I think of the prayer King David prayed for his son Solomon - Father, give my son an uncluttered, focused heart, so he can obey all of your commands!
  6. Too much TV, instead of reading a great book, listening to a pod cast, or simply hanging out with the family. TV looks innocent enough, but it can also suck the life out of a marriage and keep you from reaching your God given potential.

I pray for you today, that God will give you the wisdom you need to put a guard around your heart from the "little things" in your life. My desire is that you will reach your full potential in the Lord. Have an ear that hears his voice and a heart to obey. That you, your marriage, your ministry will be the middle of Gods very best!

Dealing with the "rabbit's" in my life,
