Saturday, December 6, 2008

The People I'm Thankful For

I love this time of year... Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Years ago Stan Hargis taught me a habit that I cherish. Every Thanksgiving he would contact a bunch of people that he was grateful for and let them know how much he appreciated them.

Every year around this time of year I begin to think about all the people I'm grateful for. There are many things I'm thankful for: Good health, a house, a couple cars, investment properties, my mountain bike, a hot Carmel cider from Beaners, the food I just ate... but nothing compares to the PEOPLE that I'm grateful for.

I'm so grateful for Pastor Dave. He has been my friend and mentor for nearly 30 years now. Wow... where would I be today if it were not for him investing his life in me? He has taught me so much over the years through anointed preaching... but his life has taught me even more. He has taught me to be a man of integrity, to be a person of prayer, to be outrageously generous, to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, to lead, motivate and inspire others, and the list goes on and on. In practical and spiritual matters he has helped me become the man that I am today. He is my mentor, my boss, my friend, and my spiritual dad.

I'm so grateful for my Dad! Over the years I have seen many tears from students and adults who never had a dad or who had one but they were abusive. I thank God for my Dad. His example taught me to prioritize my time in the Word every day. I'll always remember Dad and his bowl of Wheaties every morning. My Dad is one of the most helpful people on the planet. He has helped me in countless projects that I couldn't accomplish on my own. He is multi talented and can fix anything. His servants heart inspires me to bless others the way he has blessed me so many times.

Then there's mom... a constant source of encouragement. I would be unable to count the amount of cards and letters she has given me over the years. They always seem to come at just the right time and they say just the right words that I need to be encouraged. My mom is a prayer warrior... I can feel her prayers and thank God for the many hours she prays for me and the rest of our family. I was praying this morning when my phone made a sound letting me know I had received a text message. Sure enough it was from mom. She just wanted to let me know she was praying for me today. I have received a countless number of those kind of messages and they are like a breath of fresh air to me. I thank God for my moms servant heart... not only does she flood my life with affirmation, encouragement, and surprise gifts she also cleans my house, irons all my clothes every time Renee and I go out of town! It's unbelievable how she blesses us. Her smile refreshes me and blesses me so very much. I know that I am the encourager I am today because of the way she is constantly encouraging me.

And of course Renee... my wonderful wife of 24 years! I thank God for Renee, she is always there for me. She sees me when I'm at my best and when I'm at my worst and she loves me just the same! Renee helps me so very much... I'm amazed at how hard she works to help me, she is such a hard worker. I appreciate so much her servants heart, her smile that I just adore, her discernment, the fact that she is such a person of integrity, and her tender heart toward the Lord is just beautiful to me. I'm so very grateful for the day she walked into Mount Hope Church and eventually my life. What would I do without a wife that encourages me, believes in me? Oh, how blessed I am to have such a godly, supportive, wise, encouraging, and flat out hot wife.

Now... my times getting away from me and there are so many more people I have on my heart right now that I'm grateful for. But before I have to leave this computer let me mention one more. One more that is ever so dear to me: Sarah Kessler... my little girl. Although she is all grown up and married (to a wonderful young man - John Kessler, who I'm also very grateful for) she will always be my little girl. I'm so grateful for this precious little girl... I almost come to tears just thinking about how much I value and treasure her. Sarah is truly a gift from the Lord to my life. She encourages me, blesses my life... all I have to do is see her smile and it's like a charge of energy to my life. She is and always has been a source of absolute joy to my life. I treasure the special Daddy Daughter relationship we have and I'm so very grateful that she lives nearby I can't imagine life any other way. And I'm so grateful for the beautiful, godly woman and mother she has become. It so blesses me to see her be such a wonderful mom to Tanner (who I absolutely love!) She is such a good mom... always smiling and encouraging Tanner.

Well, I think I'm going to get in my car and drive over to Sarah and Johns right now. I will be telling them, and Renee how very much I love and appreciate them.

What or better said... "WHO" are you grateful for? Will you take time today to tell them?

Off for some time with the people I'm most grateful for... my family!


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