Saturday, February 21, 2009

You're not in the drivers seat!

Wow... I read Mark 8:34-37 this morning. In the message Jesus said,

"Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the drivers seat;
I am... Self sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself."
Have you ever noticed when we try and take the "lead" in our lives we only mess things up? I know I have seen what happens when I take the lead. When I'm led by my own fleshy desires, when I'm led by what I want, when I'm more concerned about me than I am about others. It's not pretty!
Yet as I glance over the years of my life and look at the times I moved myself out of the drivers seat, when I embraced not ran from difficult times, when I was willing to follow God's way - the way of self sacrifice, when I was humble instead of proud, when I trusted in the Lord not myself. It always turned out beautiful!
When we allow the Lord to take the drivers seat of our marriages, finances, families, ministries... it's an absolute adventure. Are there difficult, challenging times? Of course! There are times of self sacrifice, testing... and other not so delightful things. But the pay off is huge!
Huge returns tomorrow are not made unless sizable
investments are made today!
Every time we give up the drivers seat and embrace the Lords way of doing things. We are making sizable investments in our future... and we can fully expect huge returns.
Enjoying the journey,

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